"Joy" Jiayin Liu is a junior majoring in Computer Science(BS) and minor in Visual & Media Studies at Duke University. She is interested in creating both traditional and digital forms of art ranging from drawing, painting, printmaking, to mixed media collage, 3D modeling, to video game design.

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Group Publication, Fungus Amongus, Collective zine, "FUNGUS 菌“, Issue 26, sinθ Magazine, 2023
Group Exhibition, DOUGH! – A National Juried Exhibition, Hera Gallery and Educational Foundation, Wakefield, RI (Juror: Catherine M. Piccoli), 2021
Group Exhibition, Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards, University of Hartford, Hartford Art School, Hartford, CT, 2019

Sanford B.D. Low Art Prize, Loomis Chaffee School, Hartford, CT, 2021

@2023 Joy Liu